Text and diagram instructions are at https://archive.bridgesmathart.org/2024/bridges2024-553.pdf and a video tutorial is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVQRYI-qCSs Here are some extra tips for success Make sure all units have the same orientation, i.e. do not mix left- and right-handed modules Keep adding units the same assembly, i.e. do not make and join separate subassemblies As you make you […]

Updated versions of these notes are at https://www.foldworks.net/mathsconf33 Session description: Folding paper is an accessible entry to many aspects of mathematics. In this practical workshop, we’ll explore fractions, angles, symmetry and proof. Here are some of the ideas that we might explore: Proof of the angle sum of a triangle by folding and the area […]
Geometry Weekend 2023

Introduction A good overview of the origins of modular origami is at The Public Paperfolding History Project: Modular Origami: http://www.origamiheaven.com/historyofmodularorigami.htm The same site also has the Modular Origami Design Encyclopaedia. Origami to make Here is a selection of modular origami to make. How could you develop your own ideas from these? Curler Unit by Herman […]
Photographs of Imaginary Origami

Recent advances in AI (artificial intelligence) systems have made them more powerful than previous systems. “Text-to-image” AI can convert a text prompt like “origami elephant” into a picture within a few minutes. Current systems include Midjourney, DALL-E, Craiyon and Stable Diffusion. The Good The elephant in the picture did not existed before: the creation is […]
Origami and Mathematics As well being a delightful and enjoyable activity, paperfolding has a world of mathematics hiding inside the folds. This masterclass will give you a taste of why origami has captivated mathematicians, scientists and engineers at all levels as well as artists, magicians and educators. Starter activity A square is divided into a […]
Here are links to instructions for some of the origami models for the session. Hexagonal Envelope http://www.origamiheaven.com/historyofthehexagonalsachet.htm Modular Origami Stars If you are a beginner, start with Star 4 first which has detailed assembly instructions. All of these stars use A paper except Octagram Wreath which use 1:2 rectangles. They make large stars from the […]

Here are the diagrams for the session. Click the links below for PDF files with instructions. Use squares with an edge at least 75 mm. Paper which is the same colour on both sides, or duo paper, will work well. Slider N 8 uses eight squares Slider N 6 uses six squares Slider N 5 […]

Origami has become a subject of research in mathematics, science and engineering. A growing artistic and scientific field is that of origami corrugations and tessellations as pioneered by Shuzo Fujimoto, David Huffman, Yoshihide Momotani, Ron Resch and others. Folding paper is also an accessible activity for education. This page is available online at https://www.foldworks.net/arts-in-steam-2022/ Simulation […]
Using Geogebra for Origami
The PDF guide Using Geogebra For Origami shows you some ways to use Geogebra to design, draw and animate origami. Some of the possibilities are shown below. View and edit these and more example files at https://www.geogebra.org/u/tung+ken+lam Boat Unit: Vary the proportions of the rectangle to see the next steps, unit and complete assembly by […]
This session for the Mathematical Association Annual Conference 2021 presents some ideas for using origami for teaching and learning mathematics. It covers some mathematics arising from a single fold, fractions, how to trisect a right angle by folding paper and therefore make an equilateral triangle, a six-pointed star, a tetrahedron and an approximation of a […]